
Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Sumnina (सुम्निमा) by Bishweshar Prasad Koirala

                                                                     My Review: 4/5
जातभातको सिकार बनेको एउटा अमर प्रेम काहानी । सुम्निमा एउटा किरात परिवार को चेली हुन भने सोमनाथ एउटा सख्त ब्रहामण परिवारको एक्लो छोरो । बाबुआमाको छोरा माथि निकै ठुलो आशा हुनाले सोमनाथ सानैदेखी अनुशासित भएर पूजाआजा अनी तपस्या मा धेरै चसो राख्दछ। धार्मिक परिवारमा जन्मेको हुनाले उस्को दिन धार्मिक काम गरेरनै बित्छ। दिनहु एक समय कोशी नदीको छेउमा गाई चदाउन जान्छ र त्यति अवसरमा एकदिन कोशी नदी को छेउमा खेल्न आएकी सुम्निमालाई भेत्छ।

दिनहु भेटघात अनी बोलिचालीको क्रममा उनीहरु एक अर्का प्रती आकर्सित हुँदै जान्छन । जिबनभरी ब्रहमाचारी बसेर पूजाआजा गर्ने निर्णय गरेको सोमनाथले सुम्निमालाई बेवास्ता गर्न धेरै प्रयास गर्दछ तर सक्दैन। आखिरमा बाबुआमाको करले आफ्नो धर्म अनुसारको ब्रहामण केटीसँग विवाह गर्न बाध्य  हुन्छ।

बिश्वेशोर प्रसाद कोइरालाको यो उपन्यासमा त्यतिबेलाको जातभातको समस्याहरु देखाउन खोजिएको छ। त्यतिबेला ब्रहामणहरु किरात भन्दा उच्च मानिन्थे अनी उनीहरुको आफ्नै आफ्नै चाल्चलन भेसभुसा र बोलिचाली थिए। उनीहरु एक हुन खोजे पनि परिस्थितीले दिने थिएन। सुम्निमालाई बिर्सिन सोमनाथले अनेक पूजाआजा अनी तपस्या गर्छ तर पनि आखिरमा उस्ले अन्तिम सास सुम्निनको एक झलककै लागि साचेर राखेको हुन्छ।

उनीहरु एक हुन नसके पनि उनीहरुको एक आपश को लागि माया कहिलै मर्दैन। शायद त्यसै करणले होला उनीहरुको भाबी एक हुन गयो, शायद उनीहरुको मायाको जीत भएर होला आज अन्तरजातीय विवाहको मानिसहरु अर्थ अनी आवश्यकता बुज्दैछन।    

Three Weeks With My Brother by Nicholas Sparks and Micah Sparks

                                                                   My Review: 4/5

A sad and true story written beautifully by Sparks brothers. 

The Sparks brothers decide to travel around the world for 3 weeks. While they describe different places they are visiting, they remember their life and family, and unveil their story since childhood. Basically the book is autobiography but its done so beautifully that I have to warn you, it will bring tears in your eyes. The book tells the story of how their parents taught the value of education and importance of siblings, their journey from financially difficult childhood to becoming millionaire in manhood. Those of you who complain that Nicholas Sparks always has sad ending, this book is for you. This story tells the reason behind that. 

While story unfolds, he will introduce you so many events from which he was inspired to write the books that made him the bestseller. Even if you are not a fan of Nicholas Sparks, you have to read this book to understand and appreciate your life better. There are actually lots of things to learn from this book. For me, the lines that actually touched my heart were- 
'What you want and what you get are usually two entirely different things.' 
'When you chase a dream, you learn about yourself. You learn your capabilities and limitations, and the value of hard work and persistence.'

Saturday, 17 January 2015

China Harayeko Manche by Hari Bansha Acharya

My Review: 4/5
With his popularity, it is hard not to read his book. Hari Bansha Acharya has always been one of my favourite actors of Nepal. He is one of those people that were born to do what they are doing.

Throughout the book, few times my subconscious mind thought 'why did he have to include this?' but immediately I realised that those are the things that is making his book even more enjoyable to read. We read so many gossip columns and interviews about the artists to know about their daily lives and other things such as what exactly happens behind the scenes. Mr Acharya has opened up everything. Just the way it is and the way we want to hear and read.

He has talked about everything: his childhood, family, struggling life to film industry, love story with his beloved wife Mira Acharya to her death, life with second wife Ramila Pathak, friendship with Madan Krishna Shrestha, and their social, political and film work together. This is the story that makes you laugh and cry, teaches you about history and politics, gossips about the stars,  and at the same time, tells you the life story of everyone's favourite artist: Hari Bansha Acharya.

You can see from the book that he didn't want to hide anything but just tell us his story as it happened. Obviously, we have to keep in mind that he is not a book writer but he has done pretty good job. Besides his movies and dramas and telefilms, this is one gift of Mr Acharya to his well wishers that people will remember forever.   

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Look back 2014, Welcome 2015

A year 2014 was great for me and for Germany too. The World Cup winner, Berlin wall fall 25th anniversary and many more. I hope this year brings the same happiness and success. Two of my New Year 2014 resolutions were:
1. Read 15 novels
2. Visit at least 3 countries.

I only managed to read 8 books in 2013 but this year, since I got a kindle, I have become unstoppable. Even I can't stop myself :P.  By the way, if you are looking for a birthday gift for someone who loves reading, get Kindle. 

Goodreads loves overachiever, so do I. 
Goodreads congratulating me for reading more. 
Small things make me happy. At the moment, I am #1 best reviewer and #2 top reviewer from Nepal in Goodreads. Here is the screenshot :)

Let's look at the books I read this year:
Lots of Sidney Sheldon, right? :D. Well, I can't resist him. You can read all my reviews in my blog under 'Book Review' section. To find out more and if you love books like I do, here is where you should hang out: Goodreads.

Visited Countries
1. Germany: Hannover, Hamburg, Berlin, Köln and Düsseldorf
Holocaust Memorial, Berlin
2. Netherlands
One of the most popular places in Amsterdam- 'a' for Amsterdam
3. Czech Republic: Prague
Checking out Prague City

4. Denmark: Copenhagen

Enjoying the sun in Nyhavn, Copenhagen 

5. France: (Unfortunately, I haven't written a post about France yet but I promise to do it soon)
Eiffel Tower- I just love this picture
Again, Happy New Year everyone! Here is the video of New Year 2015 celebration in Berlin: